Managers should always be an example of good behavior. As a manager,
You should:
- Ensure that your subordinates understand their responsibilities under the Code and other Company policies.
- Take opportunities to discuss the guidelines and stressed the importance of ethics and compliance with the employee.
- Creating an environment that makes employees feel comfortable raising concerns.
- Consider conduct in relation to the Code and other Company policies when evaluating employees.
- Do not ever recommend or direct employees to achieve business results by ignoring ethical behavior or compliance with the Code or law.
- Always act to stop violations of the Code or the law by your subordinates.
If you are visited by employees who are asking questions or concerns related to the guide, listen carefully and devote full attention to him. Ask for clarification and additional information.
Answer any questions if you can, but do not feel that you must immediately provide an answer. Ask for help if you need it. If karwayan expressed concern that may require investigation under the Code, counsel, senior financial officers, or Ethics & Compliance Office
Expected of Managers